Wednesday, 25 June 2014


It's official I will be graduating on the 10th of July with a first class honours degree in animation!!!!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Life drawing in spain

So I haven't posted in a while and thats because I've been busy finishing uni, getting my first desktop computer and then packing for Spain. I've spent the last few days in Portaventura and now I'm relaxing on the beach and drawing my surroundings.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Just a quick update.

So I officially finished uni last week and I am waiting to hear my confirmed results which are out on the 25th. In the meantime I've been sorting out my office/bedroom to accommodate my new desktop computer. It's the first desktop computer I've ever owned so I'm very excited, and I finally managed to get it set up yesterday to find I needed a new lead for my wacom... Anyway here's my Glammies showreel featuring my end of year work on vimeo. I hope you enjoy it and keep an eye out for new posts over the next few weeks.