Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! Here's my Santa that I designed and modelled. I still need to work on it some more, particularly the belt, but as it's Christmas I thought I would post my progress. I need to work on my hard surface modelling and learn how to pose characters hence why he's standing creepily but for now this is my model. I hope you like it so far!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A Quick Game Concept

Heres a quick game concept I did for a project I'm working on last week, The Forgotten. I can't wait to see the game made eventually!

Monday, 15 December 2014

Cinema, Animated Film and Crowd Funding Survey

Hey everyone please could you take 5-10 minutes to do my survey on cinema, animated film and crowd funding. It's for my masters and would be greatly appreciated!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Timmy the T-Rex

Timmy is a little T-Rex with a big personality. He has trouble doing a lot of things because of his small arms but he makes up for it with his big heart. I love this little guy and I hope to make some model sheet soon when I have more free time!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


One of the potential sidekick characters for the protagonist in my story.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Foggy Lake

A quick painting I did in less than an hour to practice painting water in Photoshop and adding atmosphere and depth.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Elder Design

Another character design. This one is based on Einstein,  it definitely helped me characterise him.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Character Face Designs

Some quick designs in my sketchbook with my blue animation pencil and normal pencil over the top for the final sketch.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


This is my first ever underwater concept. It's pretty rough and I'm not sure about the characters, but I really like the colours!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Sunday, 26 October 2014


This is a quick digital painting I've done for one of the ideas I'm currently working on. Hope you like it!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Practicing my Speed Painting

I've been focusing a lot on my characters and drawing lately but I want to try and get back into digital painting. This is the first one I've done in a while and it's not perfect but I'm pretty happy with it considering it only took me half an hour.

Sunday, 19 October 2014


One out of a series of biker designs I'm currently working on.

Friday, 17 October 2014


Every now and then its fun to draw like a child with felt tip pens. Here is my Fluffaluffaloperous! It's not perfect and its only a quick concept, but i could possibly see it one day in a children's cartoon series. I hope you like it.

Monday, 13 October 2014

5 Minute Poses

Today i did some more quick pose sketches trying to infuse some more life and character into the poses. I definitely need more practice but at least its a start. I created the initial drawing in 5 min and then rendered it afterwards to add more depth.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Line Drawing

So today I've been practicing my line drawing and posing in Sketchbook Pro. Heres a few 2 min drawings I did today as part of my warm ups. I hope you like them and please bare in mind they were very quick so the anatomy isn't always right, definitely something I need to work on!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Digital Painting

I've not done this in a few weeks so I thought I'd get back into it. Heres a quick digital painting of a man I created in photoshop.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


I'm back in Cardiff now and getting back into the swing of things. The masters course is great fun and I've made a lot of new friends. Where currently looking at idea development at the moment which I'm loving so heres a few quick images I've created over the last couple of weeks just doodling out some ideas. I also recently bought sketchbook pro which I'm obsessed, and which I used to create the ideas below.

Saturday, 27 September 2014


Excited to get back to Cardiff for 3 months!!! They just can't get rid of me...

Friday, 26 September 2014

My hand!?!?!

I managed to slice my right hand open today while washing up. No drawing for me for the next two days :( #artistproblems

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Back to Uni

So just a quick up date today's my first day back at uni ready for my induction. I've been up since 4 am to try and get into cardiff for half 9, so I'm very tired but super excited and feeling ready for the year to begin!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Futuristic Concept

So I've been working on some none disclosure agreement work over the last week or so along with some graphic design bits etc. so I haven't had much time to do my own stuff. Today I decided to have a play with filters and colours in photoshop and I came up with this. I definitely think its still missing something and the eyes rant quite right, but it will do for now.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Frank Gladstone Master Class and Zbrush Summit

So yesterday I was in Cardiff at the Frank Gladstone story and structure master class which was amazing!!! Really insightful and Frank's enthusiasm was fantastic. I've also been watching the Zbrush Summit. Disney's presentation was amazing I definitely learn a lot about the process they go through. Hopefully all this will help me improve my artwork!

Friday, 25 July 2014


So its been a while since I last posted but just to keep you up to date I'm currently job hunting, painting and decorating and in-between all that I've decided to go back and refresh my drawing skills. The last week I've been focusing on learning anatomy, trying to get quicker at drawing and improving my eye. Below is a worksheet of 90 second poses from which I'm using to help me improve my skills outside of life drawing. Hopefully over the next few weeks my speed and drawing will get better and better!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Life drawing

I've been trying out different drawing styles in my life drawing recently trying to use larger more gestural strokes rather than sketching how I usually would.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


It's official I will be graduating on the 10th of July with a first class honours degree in animation!!!!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Life drawing in spain

So I haven't posted in a while and thats because I've been busy finishing uni, getting my first desktop computer and then packing for Spain. I've spent the last few days in Portaventura and now I'm relaxing on the beach and drawing my surroundings.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Just a quick update.

So I officially finished uni last week and I am waiting to hear my confirmed results which are out on the 25th. In the meantime I've been sorting out my office/bedroom to accommodate my new desktop computer. It's the first desktop computer I've ever owned so I'm very excited, and I finally managed to get it set up yesterday to find I needed a new lead for my wacom... Anyway here's my Glammies showreel featuring my end of year work on vimeo. I hope you enjoy it and keep an eye out for new posts over the next few weeks.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Book and Business Cards

My book and business cards came today. Below is a picture so you can get a good idea of how they look!

Lollypop Lanes

Due to finishing several projects at once along with other issues I have had to deal with in the last week of uni I only managed to get this final concept produced for the Lollypop Lanes ride. I am quite happy with it although in the initial drawing I had included people and unfortunately due to time restrictions I didn't have time to add any to this final concept.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Mr Whippy

Here is my final ride concept for the Mr Whippy water slide. I wanted it to look like the top of Mr Whippy ice cream and be a helper skelter style water slide for children.

I also looked at the type of tube that would be used and how the ride would be constructed.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Sweet Treats

For my final water park concepts I wanted to focus on the children's area of the park, which was going to be made up of mainly sweets, ice cream, and other delicious and appealing foods. Here I tried rendering different foods as I knew in my final concept I wanted the food to appear life like rather than cartoony.

Colour Keys

Here are some colour keys for the outside of my manor that I created today. I really enjoyed making these and playing around with hue and saturation levels and different lighting effects in Photoshop.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Tube Designs

Here are a few variations of tubes that I created to feature in my water park. I really like the doughnut shaped ones and it would be awesome to have a doughnut lazy river with different styles of doughnut tubes in.

Production Still

I have created a final image so you can see what the animation would look like post production.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Personal Project

I've been working on my personal project on and off in the background for the last few weeks. For my personal project I'm looking at ride design and below are a few of my initial designs for a water park where all the rides are shaped like giant food.

Rascalé Book Cover

Just so you can get an idea of what my book is going to look like here is the front cover!

Rascalé Book

Over the last couple of days I have been really busy working on my book for the children's TV series Rascalé that I have been creating. I have ordered the book today and it should be here just before the end of the month. Heres a few examples of what you can expect to see in the book and what I've been working on the last few days.